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More or less a punk bar. He refused to give me his name. If that is not drisciminstion what do you call it then? This is the same store that delivered a pizza with a controlled pill on it two years ago. I had NO idea what was going on. A recent extinction. Show a little respect for those who have fought and gave the ultimate sacrifice for the Freedoms they are now enjoying. Thanks Jeff and John. The old part was so tacky and rundown. And the fishbowls where great. Im disabled, i just needed the job to pay rent. Here are some others that might not have been mentioned: American I will speak to miss sassy Friday morning. I could also mention India 4 U, but no one really knew of that place. My wife passed away on November 2nd. I called in to place an order, the nice young lady assisted, however when I checked my bank account online the next day I noticed I was charged wrong. This is right down to the bottom of the hill I live on, and has been there for at least 36 years that I know of. Not sure if you have switched brands for your tomato sauce cheese and your toppings. Needless to say, but I unfortunately did not receive the order because of miscommunication. The one in Altamonte and the other in Waterford Lakes. For example, tonight we had at least 25 employees on the make line, remind you due to the hurricane some of the Lumberton employees are working in our store to get hours. I remember my mother giving me, my son and my sister each a book of tickets for Disney and I would drive us out there to spend the day. They also let kids ride on toys, if anyone remembers the name let me know. Spanish Harlem This is the famous Mexican and Puerto Rican section of Harlem so get ready for myriad spices, plenty of heat, and some of the best tacos in New York. Sorry if I missed them on the list. This is really helpful.

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