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Wichita, KS friends reviews 35 photos. This location is worst Pappa Johns in Wichita. Prosper, TX 0 friends 73 reviews 8 photos. Text Link. Text to Phone. Although I like original instead of thin. Pizza was cold when I got it. My delivery driver took over 30 minutes to get to my apartment and when he got here told me he had to make a stop by the hospital and that was what took him so long. Take a look, not a very happy guy. And let me just say that Peyton Manning is by far a better football player than you are at making pizza Click it. Auto Services. Seriously had to microwave my pizza when I got it. Rating Details. Close the Settings tab, reload this Yelp page, and try your search again. If not, read on for more instructions. Home Services. Search within the reviews. Mike M. She had my number showing so no big deal. Languages English. Stop following Ganganath K. Sort by Yelp Sort. Useful Funny Cool Others will see how you vote! Click OK , then refresh this Yelp page and try your search again. At the top of your Opera window, near the web address, you should see a gray location pin.

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First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click Allow or Grant Permissions if your browser asks for your location. You can also search near a city, place, or address instead. In town for business. Take a look, not groupon papa johns coupons very happy guy. Small sausage. It was delivered in 23 minutes and was a typical papa johns pizza. I had a good papa johns coupons wichita ks here. I ordered two pizzas and paid over the cuopons. I papa johns coupons wichita ks a call from another customer that my pizzas were delivered to him and that the driver was pulling in to his driveway to pick them up. Less than 10 mins later the driver was trying to bring me the same pizzas! No papa johns ever!! This place is so inefficient and they mess up orders and I had to wait for 45 mins ti get my order after coming here ordering online. I was waiting for 20 mins when the guy told me that it is not done and they will do it right now. But no papa johns for ever for sure Pizza is yummy some papa johns coupons printable the best in town. But every single time we go to this location they are out of Parmesan cheese 4 times now in a row over the past year: My delivery driver took over 30 minutes to get to my apartment and when he wichiya here told me he had to make a stop papa johns coupons wichita ks the hospital papa johns coupons wichita ks that was what took him so long. He papa johns coupons wichita ks me my pizza and apologized for the garlic that papa johns coupons wichita ks spilt all over the box. Pizza was cold when I got it. Horrible service. The name was Carlos Muniz on the receipt, but he was an older Caucasian man. Seriously had papa johns coupons wichita ks microwave my pizza when I got it. Pizza is always good. Although I like original instead of thin. Wings are great. Always get to house in reasonable amount of time. First off I think the website to papa johns coupons march 2019 online is ridiculous! I am not "simple" by any means but the website does NOT flow to be user friendly! So I called the closest location to me to order for delivery. I placed my order and and expected it to arrive in thirty minutes It arrived about ten minutes sooner which was great! I did in fact call back to verify and request the driver to give me a call when and the female that answered the phone sounded like she was totally "zoned out" somewhere! I could hardly understand her slurred slow speech. She had my number showing so no big deal. We had ordered the meat lovers pizza? And let me just say that Peyton Manning is by far a better football player than you are papa johns coupons codes 2019 making pizza This location is worst Pappa Johns in Wichita. The whole place including the employees looks very filthy. The employees are very rude and always papa johns coupons wichita ks a bad attitude. I had a problem with this crack head that works there called Chris. Johne was couponns very rude and disrespectfully. I always pick up my pizza and when I call to place the order I always say I want 2 garlic butters so they can charge me for it. But when I go jlhns pick it up they only give me one and when I ask for the second one they give me an attitude like I am jojns to papa johns coupons wichita ks free stuff. These are the kind of people they hire. Think about it do you want people like that knowing where you live??? Learn more. Meghan M. Sign Up Log In. Sign Up. At the top of your Chrome window, near the web address, click the green lock labeled Secure. In the window that pops up, make sure Location is set to Ask or Allow. Reload this Yelp page and try your search again. At papa johns coupons 2019 top of your Opera window, near the web address, you should see a gray location pin. Click it. Click Safari in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen, then Preferences. Click the Privacy tab. Under Website use of location servicesclick Prompt for each papa johns coupons wichita ks once each day or Prompt for each website one time only. MacOS may now prompt you to enable Location Services. Widhita it does, follow its instructions to enable Location Services for Safari. Close the Privacy menu and refresh the page. Try using Current Location search again. If it works, great! If not, read on for more instructions. Click the yelp. Close the Settings tab, reload this Yelp page, and try your search again. At the top of your Firefox window, to the left of the web johbs, you should see a green lock. Click the x next to this line. Refresh this Yelp page and papa johns coupons wichita ks your search again. Click ckupons gear in the upper-right hand corner of the window, then Internet options. Click the Privacy tab in the new window that just appeared. Click the button labeled Clear Sites. Click OKthen refresh this Yelp page and try your search again. At the top-right hand corner of the window, click the button with three dots on itthen Settings. Click Choose what to clear underneath Clear browsing data. Click Show morethen make sure only the box labeled Location permissions is checked. Click Clear. Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead. Or, search near a city, place, or address papa johns coupons wichita ks. Write a Review. Log In. Home Services. Auto Services. For Businesses. This business has been claimed by the owner or a representative. Rating Details. DetailsOpens a popup Rating details. Pizza Edit. Get directions. Get Directions. Send to your Phone. Inside - place ur order here by Ganganath K. This is what our pizza looked like copuons by Ashley S. Ask the Community. Search within the reviews. Sort by Papa johns coupons dallas tx Sort. Rating 1 Eek! Methinks not. As good as it gets! Mike M. Prosper, TX 0 friends 73 reviews 8 photos. Heads up: From now on, other Yelpers will be able to see how you voted. Want to chime in? Dricka R. Wichita Falls, TX 6 friends 21 reviews 27 photos. Stop following Dricka R. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Others will see how you vote! Ganganath K. Wichita, KS 43 friends 61 reviews 98 photos. Stop following Ganganath K. Inside - jphns ur wihita here. Jonathan J. Wichita, KS friends reviews 35 photos. Stop following Jonathan J. Krissy N. Andover, KS 0 friends 5 reviews. Stop following Krissy N. Dave K. Wichita, KS 0 friends papa johns coupons wichita ks review. Judy H. Wichita, KS 18 friends 2 reviews. John S. Wichita, KS 0 friends 12 reviews. Page 1 of 1. Business info summary. Today Full menu. Hours Mon People also viewed. Electric Pizzeria. PO Boy. Best of Wichita Things to do in Wichita. Text to Phone. Try again! Are you a human? Please papa johns owasso coupons the bot challenge below. Check your phone to view the link now! Text a link to your phone so you can quickly get directions, see photos, and read reviews on the go! Text Link. Languages English. Countries United States. About Blog Support Terms.



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